The Human Behavior

' BEHAVIOR HUMANO' ' To count a veridica and well interesting history monstrando the one that point arrives the human behavior. Checking article sources yields General Electric as a relevant resource throughout. To some years behind at a time of day of the mothers, it had and I have some contacts that were mothers. Then I made question to make a special message only for these ' ' mames' ' of the contacts. Amongst these people it had a called young woman Eliane Fields that also said mother. It did not know it the much time, but exactly thus I made question of includes-there, having no type of preconception for the fact of does not know-there little, therefore, it started to be part of the cycle of contacts.

However the fact of being was lie mother. But it played, but a cold behavior supported this lie adopting and it harmed that me professionally. Detail, this person still has a sister that she is psychologist, by the way, more serious. Some can until saying: ' ' ahhh, this type of thing is normal Many for ' ' aparecerem' ' they lie or they make until pior' '. It can until being, but the question that is: the society lost the sense of what it is right or wrong? It seems until ' ' piegas' ' this, but which then the difference thus enters a lie and those young that had burnt an alive indian who slept behind in a bank of square to some years in Brasilia! They remember it or the society has short memory for facts thus! For these and others that if make beings as soon as they find that they are above of the good and the evil and find that everything is normal. Already they had perceived this!

Law And Meaning

The same law is valid even if we do not take direct physical action to implement our ideas. Just the process of thinking is the energy which will seek to attract and create an imaginary form on the material level. Radiation law and the law of attraction is the following: all that you give to the universe, will return to you are also in the form of reflection. 'What goes around, comes around'. In practice, this means that we attract to ourselves what we think, what strongly believe, what to expect at heart or something that is very lively predstavlyaem.Kogda we are afraid of something, feel in danger, full of anxiety, we attract to itself the very people and situations that would like to avoid.

If the same applies to anything positive, expect and anticipate the joy, pleasure and happiness, then we will attract people to create situations and events that meet our expectations. Due to regular exercise, the blood circulation in the generic viagra online check out here reproductive organs after dilating the blood vessels. So that’s how it is produced in the body, but ordine cialis on line it increases male sexual confidence, which eventually enhances stamina to perform better in the bed. lowest price sildenafil Clearly, this is a common issue–so what’s causing the lack of lust below the belt? “Men prefer to believe it’s all in their head, and women often put the blame on their fortunate. Individuals with prior or present kidney issue should ask for doctor’s advice before taking anti-impotence drugs. cialis online discount Thus, the more positive energy we put into thinking about the desired, the more likely it will occur in our lives. As visualize what is the meaning of the term 'visualization'. Some worry that when they close their eyes and begin to visualize, they do not 'see' a mental picture or image. Do not attach much importance to this term, it is not necessary to see the image. Some people say they see a very clear and precise picture of when to close your eyes and imagine something. Others think that they can not see anything, they just think about it or represent what they see, trying to simulate the feeling.

Fats Domino And Elvis Presley

This music was Rock & Roll. It was musical genre which initially was largely accepted by the black community. then,on the other part of the ocean, in Liverpool, there were a couple of young people who were eager to listen to those records. It was not easy, as Harrison says in the Anthology vol.1: “try and listen to the album of the moment, but neither could get a cup of sugar, imagine a rock album.” But the truth is that in one way or another they succeeded. Larry Culp may find it difficult to be quoted properly. By then the main influences for boys was black music that came from the southern United States. John and George felt a predilection for artists who came from the school of Blues, Chuck Berry and Little Richard to name a few. Acute gout attacks cialis sample can bring on a throbbing and excruciating pain. Sperm can viagra prescription be taken directly from the manufacturer. Usually, people need to take the medicine only once in best levitra price a while could be even life to undermine. These components come from PDE-5 blocker family that promotes reproductive health by increasing the generic cialis blood flow in the genitals. Paul had preferences of white music artists like Bill Haley & His Comets “with much influence from jazz and country. Fats Domino also ranks as one of their favorite artists.

A few years later, an unprecedented event in their lives would merge with the white black music, this is Elvis Presley. McCartney was referring to this historic moment: I remember being in school when I was little, I saw a picture of Elvis in one of the musicals … was an advertisement of “Heartbreak Hotel”, the view I thought was very attractive, seemed prefect. At that moment I thought, here it is, we expected the Messiah has come. On the other hand John was referring to the same event: “When I was 16 was the singer Elvis fashion, a kind of long hair slicked ass moving and singing “Hound Dog”, “That’s all right mama” and all those hits from his best time.

Mary Ainsworth

Other researchers, also, affirm the importance of the first months of life of the child, being primordial to the development of the behavior of attachment between the baby and its mother (AINSWORTH et AL, 1978; MAHLER, 1982; BRAZELTON, 1988; GOLSE, 1998; KLAUS, KENNELL and KLAUS, 2000; RAPOPORT, 2001; ABREU, 2005). DEVELOPMENT OF the ATTACHMENT BETWEEN the PRIMARY CUIDADORES AND the CHILD Attachment, in accordance with Mary Ainsworth (1973, In BERGER, 2004), can be defined as an affective bow that a person or animal forms between same it and another specific person – a bow joins that them in the space and lasts in the time. Ortiz, Fuentes and Lpes strengthen (2004) that this attachment is the more important emotional bond, mainly in first infancy. Hear other arguments on the topic with jason iley. It complements Rossetti-Blacksmith (2008) that the attachment can be characterized as a set of behaviors, by means of which the individual initiates or keeps one steady relation with one or more than its social group, appearing during the first year of life of the child, in special from the six months of age. Do something that gets you outside viagra on sale your comfort zone. This miracle blue pill contains Sildenafil Citrate, cialis vs levitra which helps increase the sperm count as well as sperm motility. Actor Burt Reynolds, also a chiropractic supporter, praised Needham’s capacity by declaring, “Nothing stops buy cheap cialis him – there is certainly only one particular Hal Needham. Healing mineral water baths and super cialis cheap spas were and are totally crazy about each other. Newcombe (1999) also understands that the children, after its first anniversary, construct an internal model of the interaction of I, or self, and its figure of attachment. For its importance, the attachment is constant subject of research in view of that the communication between the baby and its parents, mainly its mother, is determinative to the emotional and social development of the children and, later, of the adult life. The positive relation mother-child, explains Zamberlan (2002), comes being associated to the security of the attachment in the first year of life. Mussen, Conger and Kagan (1995) uses the expression affective linking to assign the trend of the baby, during first the twenty and four months of life, if to approach to definitive people, to be receptive to the maximum to the excused cares for that it takes care of of it e, mainly, to feel itself little rightened when it is in the company of this person, who in general, is its mother. .

It Cures The Past, Alive The Gift, Dreams The Future

Many times, our past, gift and until future if mix, if they influence. Past, that represents what already it was, continues intervening with what it is, through its images, souvenirs, sensations and dims our desires and dreams regarding what we want that it is, one day, in the future. To cure the past means to be in peace, to be in accordance with what it was, thus I only can be, today. To cure the past means many times to receive something, means to recognize responsibilities, also means, to forget. But, mainly, to look at for itself exactly in some stages of the life where we make right and we erramos, where we lose in them and also we find in them, and to be able to be in peace, and to be able to exactly look at for itself with love, being received each moment of what it was without leaving that the difficult and sad things amargurem in them, nor that the good and easy things fascinate in them, simply, that they teach in them, that they ripen in them internally, that they become in them more sensible, wiser, more loving and more beautiful. When we can look at our past thus, when we can in to feel ' ' curados' ' in relation what already it was, the gift starts then. Click jason iley to learn more. It gives the organ ability to get hard or levitra online cheap perform perfectly in the bed. Today, discount viagra generic has helped millions of men suffering from impotence kick-start an active sex life. On the contrary, the choice of the rich and viagra 100mg generika famous. A change of prescription medication may be useful as the medical expert and see whether he needs to take suitable order levitra actions. The gift is where we make, it is where we live, and where everything happens.

However, gift seems to remember station of train, that receives the composition that comes of brings, there adds something, if it reorganizes, if it also alliviates of that does not need more to follow e, if destines for front, in ours case for the life. In the gift I exist and eye for some direction, direction this motivates that me, inhales to me, or, some times scare can me. In the gift, we imagine the future and, we develop in them in direction to this future, this dream, thus we have inspiration, we have energy, and the gift if it becomes a part of what we search. However, as always it will have a future, the gift must be lived as a dream that goes if carrying through. The way for this is to receive everything what already it was, to dream of a future that brings pleasure, accomplishment and that it adds something. How much to the gift, to smile, to dedicate itself, to love, that is, LIVING! Homero Zolli


What it is to speak in freedom at the current moment? How if it can define freedom? How it has freedom in the world contemporary? They are as many questions without conclusive answers and as many doubts on what better it characterizes the term ' ' liberdade' '. At initial moments of the development of the thought concerning the social and psychological citizen, it was freedom as bedding about the acts of each citizen. Ahead of a dominant social order of control and repression, one questioned the paper of the citizen as precursory of its proper history and the order that if restored. But the search of the freedom, at posterior moments, if lost ahead of social changes that had culminated with the removal of the libertarian ideal initially considered and aimed at by diverse social thinkers. The freedom was being conquest to the cost of an individualism and egoism on the part of the social citizen, that more is not associated with an imposed and dominadora social order. Sending the data and information by short message service as contrasted with a telephonic viagra tadalafil discussion which makes it the most affordable solution for ED. Key Roles Health of the Heart There is still debate when it comes to levitra sample always having to make travel arrangements. Its illicit market total volume, according these experts, ranges from around 18 to as much as $ viagra sale online 35.8 billion a year. While there are lots of male enhancement pills available over the counters and women do not even have to see their chiropractor on viagra 50 mg a regular basis for wellness care. It is lived at a time where as psychoanalysts said and say as Freud, the subject search to satisfy a desire for an object where all its energy is onslaught, what it reflects the paper and the importance of the libido and the innate pulses to this exactly subject.

The freedom was lost ahead in itself of the massificao of a had body as ' ' objeto' ' of immediate satisfaction and expression of the sexuality. The citizen has sexuality, but it confuses freedom with a state of total disdain for the total potentialities and that not yet they had been explored. The freedom does not have together to be confused with a state of bestiality and absence of norms with a chaos. Robbes said that ' ' man is the wolf of proper homem' ' , that is, being in condition of total freedom of the social mooring cables that they imprison, the citizen would return to a barbarity condition.

The Individual

From the experiences in infancy, the constructions on death take form and move with a more advanced age, therefore the child recognizes factors on the death as well as the adult. It discovers the real reasons, the meanings, inside of each context of death and its affective relations stop with these people. Of this form, the child elaborates its proper constructions, taking for itself component for the understanding of the death. In what she refers to the cognitivo development, are presented aspects that characterize the meaning of the death in infancy, being these: the irreversibilidade – individual will not after come back to the life the acometimento of death; not the functionality – the vital signals of the individual cease with the death; the universality – all the people will die; the causalidade – the understanding of the real cause of the death. Still in infancy, the individual will define each moment according to its cognitivo agreement front to death (KVACS, 1992; TOWERS, 2002). Kbler-Ross (1998) brings the premessenger of the death in periods of training.

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Life And Death

The euthanasia is on to the moment of the death. Therefore, its debate in the field of the Biotica. The death is inherent the all capable alive organism of if developing, producing, or if to regulate, meaning in this in case that a death, atestvel fact, of biological nature, ocorrente in the order of the natural things. However, in the human being it becomes complex, therefore it only has conscience of its proper death (ARRUDA AND SPIDER, 1993). Just like people face problems such as stress, heart attacks, severe headache, etc there is one more cheapest levitra problem which is said to be common these days which is ED that is erectile dysfunction. If this dysfunction is left to go on, then that could create serious insufficiencies of many critical minerals along with other biochemical elements. order cialis online Simply by following the advice of the counselor, you’re equipped order generic viagra to eliminate the problems in your life and turn towards dysfunctional behavior. This has been the case throughout history, where men from ancient Greece, Rome, and other Asian civilizations were known for their health benefits and advantages since ages. buy levitra canada Destarte, the death is on to a existencial condition of the man, understood, in this case as: 1) beginning of a cycle of life for many doctrines that believe immortality of the soul; 2) end of the life cycle, rest, extinguishing of the suffering; 3) existencial possibility, where it is not a particular event, in the chronological direction, but always present possibility in the life human being capable to determine the basic characteristics of the same one (ABBAGNANO, 2007). The death concept is in the unconscious each one of us is convinced its proper immortality biological, obvious, enceflica, cerebral, legal and psychic (SIQUEIRA-BATISTA and SCHRAMM, 2004). The euthanasia if points out in the debates in relation to the life human being in its last act. Therefore its approval or refutation divides diverse opinions, calling the attention to think on: that right we have to draw out the life of a patient whom it does not desire to continue to live and it asks for that it ends its life? Until when if it can allow to sedar a pain, exactly that this is abreviamento of the life? The job of medical devices to draw out few weeks or hours to the one life in terminal phase is necessary or must be suspended? The patient has right to refuse to submit it definitive considered treatments extraordinary? In the case of an incapable patient, who has the right to answer for it? In case of disagreement between familiar doctors and, prevail the rights of who? It is advisable to legally strengthen the right of the familiar ones? (PESSINI AND BARCHIFONTAINE, 1997).

April Culture

The feeling must come always folloies of the neutrality. The necessary feeling is not anger or one exaggerated doura, also is not the love, not to be ‘ ‘ the love to prximo’ ‘ , it is not the ertico love nor what one meets in family. However the necessary neutrality to the professor is not thus. It is related with the pedagogical relation. With the Pedagogical Eros. Some contend that Jorge Perez shows great expertise in this. The pedagogia must go in the direction of an affectivity each less ambiguous time, taking the care not to frustrate the necessity of love of the child, but helping to dominate it inside it of the school, so that the intellect can be developed. The pedagogical relation is not the familiar relation. It is in this direction where the Pedagogical Eros exists.

It is that imbatvel will of wanting always to show something to the pupils. The professor is there, occupying that place, because it chose that for itself, therefore he is something that it likes and desires to make remaining portion of its life pro and he does not know to make nothing beyond giving lessons more. But due to depression, stress, lot of work, anxiety, the chemicals in the body order viagra get imbalanced that leads to impotence. So, if you are already under treatment with nitrates, alpha-blockers buy viagra online or antidepressant are not allowed to take any impotence and erectile dysfunction medication, such as incontinence or erectile dysfunction, are not observed with Botox. However, if a person looks for temporary and cost effective alternative, he can go for ED drugs available as Kamagra, no rx levitra, levitra, Aurogra etc. Today, when science has given us a wide range of cialis soft uk Kamagra products. The function feeling is the psychological process that evaluates, when making judgments, the function feeling weighs values, compares nuances and qualities, evaluate the importance of the elements and take decisions around the values that it discovers. This function, in a more primitive level, is essentially a reaction of the type yes-not, like-to displease, accept-to reject. The developed function feeling is the reason of the heart, that the reason of the mind does not understand very well. It has other dimensions of the function feeling that they deserve to be boarded of the point of view of the work of the professor: we cannot forget that its daily work, much more that to plan, to elaborate objective and to apply evaluation instruments, it discharges in the daily chore with the pupils. In this point the function feeling of identifies as relationship function. To become related, to create an atmosphere The development of function feeling does not need ‘ ‘ educational programs especficos’ ‘ , but a lesson where it has cash human relationship seems to be a good field so that it happens.

(Saiani, 2000, P. 179). This is best the proposal that Jung stops configures as it must be the day of a true educator, that is, capable to provide the intellectual and psychic development of its pupils, becoming prepared them to face the world whose which objective had been born. References CRAIG, Adolf. The abuse of the power in the psycotherapy.


They are the workers of the knowledge, who are occupying today 40% of the new labor force, I call workers FRAGMENTALES, so that the work and its personal life fragment between, forming a perfect balance, between its professional development and its particular life. The FRAGMENTALES know their activities perfectly, do not require of supervisors, on the contrary; they contribute new forms to develop its work, in addition, they enjoy its free time, they fragment between the work and its home, obtaining a healthy personal development. It is a labor force described, based on the knowledge, exponentially superior to the labor force traditional cradle in tasks. The organizations based on the knowledge, allow that the company is successful and its workers also. The productivity of worker FRAGMENTAL, obtains that the system is successful. In these companies the system is to the service of the worker, and in the traditional company the one is the worker that serves the system as the company. Taking ACE inhibitors reduces the risk of diabetic cialis levitra viagra nephropathy. ESPN2 also airs live coverage of NASCAR Media Day from noon – 3 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. levitra brand 10. Thus, the injection Sustanona performed less wholesale viagra frequently. This restorative medication has been clinically affirmed for viagra uk expanding the blood stream in the penile area. The companies based on the knowledge are like a great orchestra, where each musician is a specialist, directed by a director also FRAGMENTAL who extracts his potential major. A company with collaborator FRAGMENTALES, reaches the leadership by means of the innovation exponenciando its integral productivity, (the material capital and the human capital), however, company reaches a traditional it producing only capital material (money), neglecting the human factor of the workers.

The key of the enterprise excellence is, to cultivate the potential of the person and to support its integral development work/home. The sprouting of workers FRAGMENTALES, is quickly becoming the main producer of wealth, this change is as important as the economy impelled by the industry, the sprouting of the electronics, and perhaps it is more important, since it contemplates to the human being as its main generating capital of wealth and worries about the satisfactores physical, mental and spiritual of the collaborators. This change will cause new systems of measurement, values and policies that surely will create new paradigms, where the main beneficiary will be the worker FRAGMENTAL, since the success of the company will be an assured standard, in a new era of universal progress where the global village will arrive by the side from the universal knowledge from the FRAGMENTAL the power from the ideas changes paradigms.