It Cures The Past, Alive The Gift, Dreams The Future

Many times, our past, gift and until future if mix, if they influence. Past, that represents what already it was, continues intervening with what it is, through its images, souvenirs, sensations and dims our desires and dreams regarding what we want that it is, one day, in the future. To cure the past means to be in peace, to be in accordance with what it was, thus I only can be, today. To cure the past means many times to receive something, means to recognize responsibilities, also means, to forget. But, mainly, to look at for itself exactly in some stages of the life where we make right and we erramos, where we lose in them and also we find in them, and to be able to be in peace, and to be able to exactly look at for itself with love, being received each moment of what it was without leaving that the difficult and sad things amargurem in them, nor that the good and easy things fascinate in them, simply, that they teach in them, that they ripen in them internally, that they become in them more sensible, wiser, more loving and more beautiful. When we can look at our past thus, when we can in to feel ' ' curados' ' in relation what already it was, the gift starts then. Click jason iley to learn more. It gives the organ ability to get hard or levitra online cheap perform perfectly in the bed. Today, discount viagra generic has helped millions of men suffering from impotence kick-start an active sex life. On the contrary, the choice of the rich and viagra 100mg generika famous. A change of prescription medication may be useful as the medical expert and see whether he needs to take suitable order levitra actions. The gift is where we make, it is where we live, and where everything happens.

However, gift seems to remember station of train, that receives the composition that comes of brings, there adds something, if it reorganizes, if it also alliviates of that does not need more to follow e, if destines for front, in ours case for the life. In the gift I exist and eye for some direction, direction this motivates that me, inhales to me, or, some times scare can me. In the gift, we imagine the future and, we develop in them in direction to this future, this dream, thus we have inspiration, we have energy, and the gift if it becomes a part of what we search. However, as always it will have a future, the gift must be lived as a dream that goes if carrying through. The way for this is to receive everything what already it was, to dream of a future that brings pleasure, accomplishment and that it adds something. How much to the gift, to smile, to dedicate itself, to love, that is, LIVING! Homero Zolli