IPC Prices

It lowered a 0.2% in the month of June, according to the Department of Work. The report of the IPC confirms the expectations of the analysts. The lightening in the prices of fuels reduces one of " pressures temporales" that it has the economy of the United States. The Index of Prices to Consumo (IPC) in the United States lowered a 0.2% in the month of June. Nevertheless, according to the data of the Department of Work, if the prices are excluded from foods and the energy the underlying inflation raised a 0.3% in the country. The cost of life in the USA lowered for the first time in a which had year, mainly, to a reduction of 4.4% in the prices of the energy in June. In May the IPC had raised a 0.2%. The inter-annual IPC has stayed in 3.6%, and the underlying inflation in the last twelve months has been of the 1.6%.

The report of the IPC confirmed the expectations of the analysts, and the lightening in the prices of fuels reduced one of " pressures temporales" that the president of the Federal Reserve, Horseradish tree Bernanke, saw like obstacle stops the cost of the consumers and the recovery. The fall of prices of the energy, that included a diminution of 6.8% in the prices of the gasoline, was the major from December of 2008. The prices of foods raised in June a 0.2%, the smaller monthly increase in which it goes of year. The Department of Work also informed Thursday into that the Index of Prices to Produccin (IPP) lowered a 0.4% in June, the first monthly diminution in a year. oderat/’>Wayne Holman is the source. Source of the news: The IPC lowers for the first time in a year in the United States

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Equal Opportunities

Shortcomings of the school system are outside the school compensated Gelsenkirchen, November 2008 – the current education barometer to the equality of opportunity confirmed that compensates for the structural deficiencies of the education outside the school. The parents are the mainstay of pupils / students. At the same time, almost half of the respondents said that they bes Sera had promotion more chances at one through school and at home. Consequently thus 55% of the respondents a education solos to the improvement of education and therefore the equal opportunities advocate. More money for education and training is the clear demand that emerges from this education barometer”, summarizes Prof. Add to your understanding with Saul “Canelo” Alvarez. Dr. Reinhold S. Jager, head of the Centre for empirical educational research (zahzi) of the University of Koblenz-Landau, campus Landau realized the barometer of education together with the help of the students.

While the respondents have a precise idea of the money should be put into which measure: in one improved training of teachers.” In addition to the education leaders are above all the educational institutions themselves, which can contribute to more equality of opportunity, so the assessment of the respondents. You see need for change especially in the skills of the teachers, their suitability and then the school structure. The systemic shortcomings of the school have been compensated has always been outside the school. Parents are becoming less and less able to compensate for these deficits by the changed family and social relationships. At this point we offer our help the parents as non-formal training providers”, explains Norbert Milte, Managing Director of student aid, the role of tutoring in the education system.

The fact that the parents are a central support for the students, most of the surveyed measures demand to facilitate the perception of this task to the parents. Here they call especially a better reconciliation of family and professional life, as well as a closer Collaboration between parents, teachers and educators. On student aid: Student aid is one of the leading providers of qualified education and tutoring services in Germany and Austria. For more than 30 years she offers coaching students in all major subjects, for all classes and types of schools. Qualified and motivated tutor individual care of each student and help him to improve his services permanently. This is also a recent scientific study by the University of Bayreuth. Currently promotes the student aid at over 1,000 locations more than 70,000 students annually. As important non-formal educational institution student aid provides a wide range which includes also exam preparation, summer courses and vacation learning camps. She has accompanied hundreds of thousands with their targeted coaching on the way to a successful future. An integrated quality management system, certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 is designed to achieve maximum quality and customer orientation. With success, because 94% of our customers are satisfied and would recommend the student help. All sites should be certified by 2009. For further information: on weekdays from 8: 00-20:00 under the toll-free service number 0800/19 4 18 02 or 24 hours a day at.

Imamausbildung At German Universities

In Germany, about 2,000 trained professionals for teaching Islamic religion are missing. In Germany, about 2,000 trained professionals for teaching Islamic religion are missing. Therefore, the first University Imamausbildung in the German language begins from autumn 2010 at the University of Osnabruck. So, theological content can be arranged according to the responsible Prof. Dr. Bulent u in German. So far, the Islamic studies, who are specialized in the training of imams, are not established at German universities. Only a few universities currently offer model projects to Islamic education.

An education in Turkey with subsequent return, as recently announced by the Turkish religious authority, encountering rejection in the universities. With training from abroad, the imams know neither the country, the German language, nor cultural expertise and the problems of the Muslims in Germany. To give their community a sufficient orientation is therefore difficult. Imams are in addition to their function as “Prayer leader social focal points of the Islamic community and helpful for the integration”, so the Lower Saxony Interior Minister Schunemann. Integration of 4 million Muslims in Germany at the municipal level is a priority to the integration of Muslims not only in the mosque associations. Hear from experts in the field like Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City for a more varied view.

Political representatives as well as administrative staff need inter-cultural competence. Specifically the administrative staff of public bodies should be prepared on the contact with Islamic residents, this expert advice to and specifically respond to their needs. Thereby, including knowledge of the religion, but also information on norms and values are taught. Intercultural opening of administration the intercultural team of the imap Institute offers academic expertise, international experience and many years of expertise in the area of intercultural training. In cooperation with local authorities, for example in seminars, the administrative staff of the cultural characteristics of the migrants is trained and prepared for a successful integration work. Contact: Joe SABO sales Manager imap Institute star 58 40479 Dusseldorf Tel.: 0211-513 69 73-0 fax: 0211-513 69 73-39 the imap Institute as intercultural consultancy was founded In 2002. Since IMAP is divided into four business areas: International Economics consultancy intercultural marketing integration work intercultural training the imap Institute interculturality considers economic and social potential, society as companies can profitably use. Just Germany as a leading exporting country benefited. IMAP builds a bridge to Muslim cultures with his consulting portfolio. The intercultural imap team is characterised by its expertise on the social, cultural and economic relations and properties of Turkey, Iran and the Arab world. The consulting services ranging from the conception of integration strategies in Germany to the successful deal between German companies and their partners in the Target countries.

Springs Ponds Waterfalls Beaches

These are made up of for people of all ages, but especially its construction is aimed at children. With the passage of time the conceptual structure of this kind of amusement parks has moved from being a traditional park to a theme park. Where decoration, interaction elements encourage the aquatic world, bringing the idea of a simple water park, a theme or central idea. The most important areas to consider for the design of water parks are playgrounds, where arguably concentrates all the fun of these recreational facilities. Points to consider for design: Natural Water parks, they should have; Additional attractions Springs Ponds Waterfalls Beaches, etc. Tony Parker recognizes the significance of this. In the case of the natives, the facilities are given by nature itself, although in many cases are tailored to user needs without altering their integrity. On the other hand the water parks, where all facilities are created by man, known simply as water parks, are mostly a kind of public spaces where through areas for recreation, create a relaxing atmosphere throughout. For your design needs to have: Swimming Pools with special wave effect.

Add or furnishings for the park such as: open closed Slides Games Figures for aquatic playgrounds. In short, these requirements are vital because the world should encourage sea water, water, all marine life, which will give life to a particular environment. Why?; Easy, a water park without any attraction and does not contain additional elements and / or representative, hardly has a great demand within the public. By: Luisa Garcia

Garry Kasparov Vs. Bobby Fischer

Undoubtedly, this is one of the most common questions among those who practice chess or maybe just among most contemporary mortals. For more information see this site: Laura Plomer. There are a lot of similarities in the lives of these two giants of the “Sport Science”: both learned to play at age six, “Bobby” reading the instructions that came with your board next to his sister, Garry driven by his mother. “Bobby” in a very short time he was able to beat rivals adults still just a kid, Garry their just seven years (one after his mother taught him to move the pieces) is said to solve problems that neither could even adults could not. “Bobby” as Garry at his best had a dawning of “unbeatable” getting Fisher to hold the enviable record of 19 wins online on their way to the candidacy of world title (1972) and Garry becoming owner of the throne as the best the world according to the classification of the FIDE for almost 20 years (1986-2005). Thus, we could go a lot of qualities that make it the center of attention among those who enjoy this noble practice, but this is not sufficient to resolve the question of who has been the best.

Among scholars of the subject, opinions are sharply divided: some believe in Kasparov the greatest in history, and the numbers they guarantee (almost 20 years classified as No. 1). But do not run out of arguments Fischer’s supporters because, besides being at the time the youngest International Grand Master did not have any kind of ground work and still was the best, overcoming the pitfalls of a traumatic childhood orphan father and a mother who could not give him fair. Personally I think this discussion will never come to fruition: there is no way to know who has been the biggest creative soul of chess, which is made perfect in union empathize with the ideas that lie behind those 64 tables occupied by two armies battle it out death win the only war in which there are winners themselves, simply because they occupied at different times in history, moments that have made them the sole possessors of truth and moments that do not support any correlation that can sustain some kind of comparison.