
Based on the cholesterol and the virus theory, the pathology is often to cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure, many associates and even angina. As the last argument is the "success" in such patients, figuratively speaking, give validol under the tongue, and live as you want. If these patients designate protivotoksoplazmoznoe treatment, the majority from the first days vanish angina, then restored the correct heart rate, decreases or disappears heart failure. Unbiased devices capture a complete shutdown of cardiosclerosis, which never happens or after of any other conventional treatment. Over time, increases contractile force of cardiac muscle. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Jorge Perez and gain more knowledge.. What do we, protivotoksoplazmoznoe treatment effect on cholesterol or viruses? No, these properties do not have this treatment. Jessica Michibata may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Then why is the treatment so effective? The point that ubiquitous toxoplasmosis by eating fibril that feed the muscle cells leads them to fail. Further penetrate into the cells, subjects them to life reproduction of young parasites.

Oversaturated with them, the cell dies, the young individuals come into the intercellular space in the same manner penetrate the new and the process continues. Frequently join and autoimmune processes. At the site of dead cells formed a scar. Merging, scars form fields which are called cardiosclerosis. If in such fields fall, nervnoprovodyaschie beams heart is affected and they are, so there is irregular heartbeat. In an effort to protect the arterial vessels from destruction, and Toxoplasma other parasites, the body lay in their near-surface cholesterol, this must be added to and deposition of calcium salts in them. That's why older people, especially large vessels become like shards.