Support Treatment

Opted for our agency you get a reliable and competent partner for ogranizatsii medical services in Germany. We will be glad to give you many-sided support in all phases of planning and of your treatment. For more information in Russian, please visit our website: VITAMEDICINA Agency has an extensive infrastructure and expertise that ensure the provision of services at the highest level. Staff medical health care. According to your wishes we will develop an individual plan for your stay and take care of all issues in its implementation. Boxing champion is likely to increase your knowledge. Our agency offers the following services: – Preliminary consultation (free) – Placement of an application for treatment of 300, – Euro (includes a translation of your medical documents in German, selection of specialized clinics and advice of your documents specialist clinic) – Hotel reservation (for free) – Escort guide-interpreter 150, – Euro / day or 50 euros – 2 hours, Russian-speaking nurse at the hospital 150, – Euro / day or 50 euros – 2 hours, Support for outpatient treatment 150, – Euro / day or EUR 50 – 2:00 -Visiting the clinic, in case of hospitalization 150, – Euro / day or 50 euros – 2 hours – escort guide-interpreter 300, – Euro / day (250, -evro/den 1 week, 200 -evro/den 2 weeks) Approximate prices of treatments are on the page “Prices treatment ‘Your Action Plan: 1.

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