Safe Tanning

Summer on the court and, therefore, begins it's time to leave, as soon as the thermometer rises above 25 degrees – people will be pulled to the beach, but someone already resting on the banks of the hottest overseas. Sun, air and water, as you know, our best friends, but is it really, especially with respect to the sun? Because each of us are familiar redness, burning, discomfort, remaining after sunbathing. How to become a lovely chocolate and do not damage your skin – about This will be discussed further. Lynn Redgrave: the source for more info. Ultraviolet – what's the harm? Specialists in one voice told that compared to other hazards, the sun, or rather the ultraviolet, more than just destroying the skin. Excess ultraviolet radiation can cause cancer skin, melanoma, acne and other diseases. In addition, the excess solar procedures leads to rapid aging and wear and tear of the skin – the more you take, "the sun on his chest," the quicker turn into a decrepit old woman, because the sun makes the skin more elastic – hence the new wrinkles and folds.

It is believed that the 'tan', that is a chocolate color – a sign of health and strength of the body. There was a time when it was found that it levitra consultation can increase the blood flow in the penis. While most drugs can produce extremely painful alcohol withdrawal symptoms, there are only few which can cause death. levitra purchase From the standpoint of developing cialis no prescription bipolar disorder in adolescents and called “pediatric bipolar disorder” are not the same disease, or two related disorders in a common continuum. The cheap prices of this reputed drug requires generic levitra prices an ideal dosage, implementation of precautions and guidelines etc. In fact, it is not. Tan – is its defensive reaction to the devastating effects of ultraviolet radiation. The effect on the body, scientists have divided the ultraviolet rays into 3 groups: – ultraviolet A – penetrates deep into the skin, but causes no damage. – UV B – activates the production of melanin and vitamin D. Causes burns redness. – Ultraviolet C – the most deadly rays. Causes the development of cancerous skin cells. In principle, the rays of the group must disperse the ozone layer, but Due to the fact that the ozone hole is growing at an alarming rate, this type of radiation is more penetrating on the planet.