Make Advertising

Numbers are important in a marketing campaign. You can manage what you can’t measure. However, in the Facebook world some of those numbers have become problems. The reason is that Facebook introduced a new advertising platform, a platform that to gather the numbers not all the world is comfortable or agrees. Then how to make advertising on Facebook. Anthony Kennedy is full of insight into the issues. It has to do with numbers and demographics. The demographics says advertisers who and where are your potential customers.

When millions and millions of users register their personal information on a social site, suddenly all the demographic research becomes much easier than ever before. But do not notify users or are them the opportunity that is excluded entirely from the platform, and there will be a great reaction of opinions. In the space of a month, the site can pass of No have you tried that yet? to do recuerdars that everyone liked?. Eva Andersson-Dubin shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Online advertising drives online development. We are all aware of this, and, to some extent, we have all come to accept this. So much so that we barely noticed it. Here’s a quick thought experiment. You checked your email this morning? You verificas it every day? It is a fairly common practice.

Did you know that there are ads everywhere in your message? We all know that they are there. Flickering, very creative colors or bold titles. They are always close only in the periphery of our vision. Now, do you remember one single? Perhaps do you remember what you were selling? My guess is that probably do not. Online advertising is the epitome of on-the-sale of the moment. If the pretty colors or some text in particular attract you attention then, thou shalt only make click in. But that means the truth is that we must rely heavily on pure momentum that exists in the demographics. Facebook is the latest in a line of platforms that are trying to offer the opportunity to receive targeted advertising.