Jurgen Meschke

Always again something new Berlin, the 13.04.2012. BALLY WULFF, the traditional company from Berlin has over 230 employees, an average of more than 9 years in operation. One that more than surpassed this average is Jurgen Meschke. The technical draughtsman is now hired since 25 at BALLY WULFF. For technical drawing and detail work, Jurgen Meschke had a soft spot in his youth, so he first studied at the sixth form Centre for metal technology in Neukolln and is then decided for an equivalent vocational diploma. After some other professional stations, Meschke ended as a technical draftsman at BALLY WULFF. BALLY was the first company that had responded to my applications.

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Initially, he worked still classically with the drawing board, today Meschkes activity is woven tightly with the computer, where he produces his drawings using a CAD software. “For example, the contours of the illuminated surfaces that I set my drawings are,” explains Jurgen Meschke and adds: then the designers implement the graphical elements and finally I pass all the information to our colleagues, who are responsible for the PCB layout. ” Especially exciting finds his job Colby that one has to do in the area of construction with many materials, such as metal, wood, glass or plastic and learn always something new to. This variety and always new challenges at BALLY are so interesting that I am years looking forward already to the next,”forward Colby concluded.