Show Coming

The refreshing acrobatic spectacle of bath as out of a tub, a star of the show is what have to do spectacular acrobatic acts with conventional bathtubs? More than you think, because with SOAP the show make the stage directors Markus Pabst and Maximilian Rambaek the bathroom and bring together what seemed incompatible so far: acrobatics and bathtubs! After its premiere in Berlin and other globally successful guest performances, the show sensation is now for the first time in Dusseldorf to experience. November 6, 2012-6 January 2013, the Club of the Capitol is Theatre backdrop for a wet happy spectacle of artistry and entertainment, that will bring viewers to the Quake and one thing is certain: the audience will be amazed at what is possible in, on and around a bathtub around! SOAP the show presents world-class acrobatics in a unique setting. The international ensemble boasts spectacular, funny and poetic performances of wonderful acrobatics on the air ring of rapid Fussjonglage and daring air numbers Daniel”the Director duo has created a distinctive show up to the dance-Trapeze. In addition, the various artists in addition to physical usage of lots of maintained Dusseldorf audiences with various comedy and singing on the best. And where are the bathtubs, water cannot be missed of course. Thanks to a sophisticated stage approach everything is offered by the cheerful wet wiping MOP Ballet until the rain curtain, promises lively entertainment. Besides, some herbal supplements such as Shilajit ES capsules offer very effective result in delaying the negative generic cialis sample effects of these are all reflected with how the body works. Surgeries and medications can prove beneficial as well as use of stimulating devices and penile injections. viagra online for sale Pregnant ladies order generic viagra need to specify their child’s existence to the physician before availing the drug. Psychological impotence is indicated by failure to penetrate due to extremely softness and in activeness. sildenafil india

Effectively used in scene is live singing, which offers a smorgasbord of 300 years of music history including the whole of an impressive lighting design as well as a flamboyant soundtrack. The unique spectacle has worldwide already conquered the hearts of more than 2 million viewers from old to young, because SOAP is a real family entertainment! SOAP the show with overwhelming success in the Chameleon Theatre Berlin played for two years. No less successful guest performances at the Riverside was followed by studios in London and in August 2010 at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. In January 2011, SOAP enthusiasts in the renowned Sydney Opera House and there four weeks ago sold-out played. Since then, the show toured the world is located, with stations in Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia, Holland, Spain, Sweden and Singapore now the 8-Member troupe would like to conquer also Dusseldorf with its original show sensation.

Encounter Womens Rights

With (PM) – live together (he) art against FGM to guest in Tuttlingen-Tuttlingen, celebrate each other, different cultures and mentalities accept and see diversity as an enrichment: all this want to convey international meeting Festival, which takes place on 23 June 2013 in Tuttlingen. After the great success of the last year with over 3000 participants, the organizers Hans-Martin Schwarz and Martina Grone forward this year on a varied and interesting program and great international meetings. The visitors can enjoy the grounds of the Charles school clubs and information, as well as culinary offerings of many Nations. With the varied cultural programme is offered something for all ages. In addition to numerous creative opportunities for entertainment for children, there will be music, dance performances and presentations. This year the meeting is under the theme ‘Violence against women’. In this context, the campaign is ‘With (he) art against FGM/c’ on invitation of Hans-Martin Schwarz with a Attention art exhibition and musical appearance on female circumcision.

Female genital circumcision is a practice by which according to the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, 140 million women are affected worldwide. Every year approximately another three million girls are at risk to be circumcised. Sela Ward can provide more clarity in the matter. An exhibition with a selection of paintings by international artists can be seen, in the course of the art project, it’s my body – it’s my body!”was created, which was presented in the media library Denkingen October 2012. The most important event of the event was the opening, in which not only the exhibition opened, but held a concert of well-known international musicians on the subject of female circumcision. There are many ED medications available online pharmacy viagra in the market. This can pill viagra for sale be purchased from the drugstores & also from the root causes. Erectile dysfunction has remained the most common sexual problem, cialis 5 mg which stops him becoming genie of his female. Causes Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding could be triggered by the following factors: Severity of the accident Condition when the patient is generic levitra prices admitted to the hospital Age and general condition of the patient Proficiency of the doctor Medical facilities and infrastructure When a doctor that has performed hundreds of trauma surgeries earlier receives a case, he has a profound knowledge-base in mind. Isabel Henriques, the private initiative ‘ with (he) art against FGM’ 2010 in life called, this time Sayon Bamba, a popular singer from Guinea, won for the musical performance in Tuttlingen, Germany. The singer currently living in Marseille committed to the rights of women, in particular against the practice Female circumcision. Sayon Bamba will present two of her songs.

The piece “L ‘ excisee” (the trimmed) denounces the cruel ritual in their home country, their Praxis today still operates despite ban. The special surprise: at the end of the event the characteristic painting is “African beauty” by Maestro Simon Mgogo giving away. The painter from Tanzania is a big supporter of the campaign and has donated several paintings for charitable purposes. The proceeds from this action goes to the Tuttlingen woman House Club as support for his valuable efforts in the region. The international meeting Festival on 23 June 2013 on the campus of the Charles school between 13 and 18: 00. The campaign ‘With (he) art against FGM/c’ has a stand on which the images of the art project be issued. Sayon Bamba, the artist Irene notes from Spaichingen and Carla Savanda from Denkingen, who participate with expressive paintings in the project, and Isabel Henriques, are also available for questions on the concerned subject to the Available. Contacts for the press: Hans-Martin Schwarz Isabel Henriques