Cultural Information Unit

Summary: The article analyzes the proposal theoretical of the Spanish thinker Jesus Mostern, in its book ' ' Woollen philosophy Cultura' '. Combining Anthropology, Biology and Genetics, the author looks for to introduce the concept of unit of cultural information, memes, through which he believes to be possible to argue the evolution of the humanity, as well as understanding its current conflicts. Word-key: Anthropology, Culture, Philosophy, Evolution, Unit of Cultural Information. Abstract: The article analyze the theoretic purpose of the spanish to thinker His Jesuses Mostern, in book ' ' Culture Philosophy' '. Arranging Anthropology, Biology and Genetic, to writer try you introduce the concept of cultural information unit the memes with it he believes that is possible you discuss the evolution of the mankind and understand to their current conflicts. Studies have revealed that this kind of obsession cialis no prescription overnight is only seen in 1 to 3 percent of men. female viagra online Once they do erupt trauma takes hold and also the ‘elephant’ attempts to hide in every corner. There are a number of online stores that exclusively offer a wide range of sexual aids for men as well as women who want cialis 5mg australia to see a complete perfection in their conjugal lives. Consuming nuts can make you more responsive acquisition de viagra to stimulation during foreplay. Keywords: Anthropology, Culture, Philosophy, Evolution, Cultural Information Unit. I the Culture as information Jesus Mostern, author of the book woollen Philosophy Cultura' ' 1, which I will look for to analyze in this article, initiates its workmanship emphasizing the importance of the information for the life.

Preliminarily, it discourses on the meaning of the genetic information, the paper of the genome and the neurological device, detaching the brain as a fast processor of information, in a biological platform. Later, it looks for to demonstrate that the brain also obtains to transmit the brain information the brain, through a called net culture. Starting for appraising it as the information that if it transmits for social learning (p.16), Mostern if considers to develop a etimolgica analysis of the term, being shown its original relation with the Latin verb colere, whose meant it was to cultivate the field, in function of what the metaphor was created comparing the spirit of a man rude with a field without culture and, decurrently the culture animi with culture of the soul.